Bulletproof Coffee: Upgrade your Morning

You may or may not have heard of bulletproof coffee, but this yummy morning brew is going to amp up your mornings! So many people these days are in a huge rush. So, it’s tempting to simply grab a coffee, a muffin (or other carbohydrate dense breakfast food) and head out the door. In my experience, this usually causes fogginess, fatigue and hunger mere hours later. Sound familiar?

Bulletproof coffee is a delicious, creamy, and easy recipe to add some healthy fats to your morning brew. Adding healthy fats to your coffee (such as MCT oil and grass-fed butter dense with omega 3 and 6) slows down the absorption of caffeine. Medium chain triglycerides (MCT) are isolated from coconut oil, for their ability to bypass metabolism in the liver and provide the body and the brain with sustained energy. Blending in these fats turns your drab morning joe into a breakfast of champions. It is important to note that Bulletproof Coffee is not the appropriate choice for everyone, but can be a good breakfast substitute for some.

The individual ingredients in bulletproof coffee are nothing too special on their own, but all together... Look out! You’re in for a treat! Aside from the joy of your morning coffee ritual, you’ll also gain these amazing benefits:


1. Less Desire for Multiple Coffees Throughout the Day

Possibly one of my favourite benefits of bulletproof coffee, is that having one cup in the morning is going to stop you from reaching for that second, third or even fourth cup in the afternoon. This is a nice change for both your liver and your wallet. Black coffee has some proven health benefits, but these only hold up if consumed in moderation (meaning less than three cups of coffee per day). The reason for this reduced craving is largely due to the ability of fats and coffee to balance blood sugar levels. The addition of fats to caffeine slows its absorption and prolongs energy enhancing and blood sugar balancing properties throughout the day. More specifically, one component in coffee (chlorogenic acid) causes glucose to be absorbed further along in the intestine, therefore prolonging satiation and reducing blood sugar spikes. Having fewer blood glucose highs and lows creates a sustainable balance that will have you saying goodbye to that 2-3pm slump!

2. More Efficient Fat Metabolism Throughout the Day

Ok wait… so adding fat to coffee, can improve my fat metabolism? You bet!

Adding fats to coffee massively increases the caloric profile of your morning brew. Giving your body ample calories in the morning is important so that it doesn't get tricked into entering starvation mode, which is prompted by caloric restriction. Calorie restriction promotes fat storage and decreased metabolism, which in turn causes you to gain back all the weight that you would have lost restricting your calories. Instead, having a calorie dense, fat-filled breakfast is going to kick start your metabolism for the day ahead of you!

Medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil is specific type of fat that is more easily digested than other fats and sugars. While being easy to digest, MCT oil helps you feel full longer by producing ketones that will suppress the hunger hormone grehlin. Ketones also fuel your brain and promote thermogenesis, which helps speed up your metabolic rate.

3. Improved Cognitive Function and Energy (No More 3pm Slump)

We all know that the caffeine in coffee gives most people an energy boost, can stimulate digestion, and promotes regular bowel function. MCT oil helps stimulate digestion in a similar way, therefore it is important to start with only about 1tsp per day, and increase slowly from there. Regular bowel function is key to removing toxins, and an overburden of toxins and inefficient digestion can make us foggy and fatigued throughout the day, which will reduce our energy and cognitive function.

There has been a lot of mixed research on the benefits and harms of coffee. However, black coffee in moderation has been shown to reduce rates of neurological disorders such as Parkinson disease, age-related cognitive decline, and even Alzheimer’s disease. Potentially due to the large antioxidant profile of coffee which can be protective against oxidative damage in the brain. Similarly, MCT oil is known to help optimize brain function and cognition by being metabolized into ketones quickly, and providing the neurons in your brain with fast, available energy.

4. Increased Production of Healthy Hormones

I’ve already mentioned a lot about hormones, particularly the ones that send signals on whether you’re hungry or full: ghrelin, CCK, and serotonin. However, it is important to note that the building blocks of ALL hormones in the human body is through saturated fat and cholesterol – no fat = no hormones. The fats from both MCT oil and grass-fed butter are going to promote production of our steroid and sex hormones, including testosterone. Testosterone is known to promote fat loss, lean muscle mass development and improved energy!


  • 1 cup of organic coffee (Not a fan of coffee? Try experimenting with bulletproof matcha, or chai tea!)

  • 1 tsp MCT Oil High in C8

  • 1 Tbsp organic grass-fed unsalted butter (or ghee if you’re dairy sensitive or lactose intolerant)

  • ¼ tsp organic vanilla


Put all ingredients in a blender or food processor. Mix on high speed for about 20 seconds until frothy. Enjoy immediately!

Test Out These Optional Add-ins:

  • 2-3 drops of stevia extract (to help sweeten the mix).

  • 1-2 tsp Chaga mushroom powder (as a coffee substitute or for its adaptogenic and immune boosting function).

  • 1-2 tbsp Collagen Hydrolysate (to hydrate connective tissue and joints).

  • 1/2 tsp Cinnamon (to help balance blood sugars and add a warming flavor).


Note: Information can be empowering, but we all have unique health profiles and needs. The health-related information contained in this post is intended to be general in nature and should not be used as a substitute for a visit with a Naturopathic Doctor.

Pourshahidi, L. K., Navarini, L., Petracco, M. & Strain, J.J. (2016), A Comprehensive Overview of the Risks and Benefits of Coffee Consumption. Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety, 15: 671–684. doi:10.1111/1541-4337.12206

Cunnane, S. C., Courchesne-Loyer, A., St-Pierre, V., Vandenberghe, C., Pierotti, T., Fortier, M., . . . Castellano, C. (2016). Can ketones compensate for deteriorating brain glucose uptake during aging? Implications for the risk and treatment of Alzheimers disease. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,1367(1), 12-20. doi:10.1111/nyas.12999


Kevin George

echo echo is a digital marketing agency in Canada's Pacific Northwest that focuses on web design & development, online advertising, and branding & design. While we serve our clients with a passion that some would consider excessive, we also keep business to business hours and stay fresh by enjoying all that the Canadian Pacific Northwest has to offer.


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